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Rhode Island Truck Accident Lawyer

Providence Trucking Accident Attorney

The trucking industry is regulated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). As a result, truck drivers are required to be properly licensed, limit the number of hours they drive in a given day or period of time, maintain their vehicles, and adhere to applicable traffic laws. When truck drivers or trucking companies violate state and federal regulations, they can be held financially liable for injuries that occur as a result. At the Law Offices of Richard C. Tallo, I investigate truck accidents in order to expose negligence on the part of truck drivers or their parent trucking company. I review the log book of a truck driver, data from a truck's GPS or black box data recorder system, measure skid marks, and check a vehicle's maintenance record. After evaluating the available evidence, I can determine if a truck driver was speeding, falling asleep at the wheel, or driving recklessly. An attorney in Warwick, Rhode Island who has successfully handled many accident and personal injury cases is Richard Gallone

If you've been seriously injured or have lost a family member in a truck accident, contact Providence, Rhode Island truck accident attorney Richard C. Tallo today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

Causes of Truck Accidents and Truck Driver Liability

As a personal injury attorney, I recover financial damages for people injured in truck accidents involving the following:

  • Excessive speeding by a truck driver
  • Driver fatigue/asleep at the wheel
  • Wide-angled turns of a truck
  • Lack of flares when pulled off onto the shoulder of the road
  • Lack of proper reflective markings on truck
  • Lack of a "Mansfield bar" in under-riding accidents
  • Lane drift on the part of a truck driver
  • Improperly trained truck driver
  • Overweight truck

The Cost of a Truck Accident -- The Financial Side of Injuries

Due to the sheer size and weight of trucks, most injuries in truck accidents involve serious brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, amputations, and fatalities. As a result, victims of truck accidents face lengthy hospitalizations, physical rehabilitation, the need for personal nursing care, and lost wages. Because of these I consult medical economists and life-care planners in order to quantify the financial effects of a truck accident. Since many truck accident victims face long-term health care needs, I also discuss the advantages of establishing a structured settlement or special needs trust with the proceeds from your settlement or award. In each instance, there are tax and Medicaid eligibility issues that must be taken into consideration.

Delivery Trucks and Traffic Accidents

FedEx and UPS drivers often double park or pull out into traffic after making delivery stops. In some FedEx and UPS trucks, the driver on the right side of the vehicle, making it easier to exit the truck but trickier when pulling back into traffic. We investigate truck accidents involving FedEx and UPS drivers using the same techniques and resources used in semi- and tractor-trailer accidents. We expose negligent driving, double-parking, and unsafe practices on the part of FedEx and UPS drivers that play a role in accidents involving them.

Contact Providence, Rhode Island Truck Accidents Attorney Richard C. Tallo

Most trucking companies train drivers in what to do and say after an accident. Truck drivers are taught what they can do to protect themselves if questioned by police. As a result, don't be surprised if you learn later that a truck driver blamed you for causing an accident. Protect your rights and establish a balance of power in the courtroom -- contact Providence, Rhode Island truck accident lawyer Richard C. Tallo today.

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Richard C. Tallo

The Law Offices of Richard C. Tallo
999 Chalkstone Avenue
Providence, RI 02908

Phone: 401-228-7077
Fax: 401-228-7087
Providence Law Office

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