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Providence Drunk Driving Accidents Attorney

Rhode Island Alcohol Related Accidents Lawyer

Liability for drunk driving or drunk boating accidents doesn't always end with the driver of a car or operator of a boat. In the state of Rhode Island, a bar, restaurant, or liquor store can be held liable for serving someone who is visibly intoxicated, should that person afterward cause a car accident. Likewise, if someone serves a minor alcohol and later the minor in question causes a car, boating, or Jet Ski accident, the person who provided the alcohol can be held liable as well. At the personal injury Law Offices of Richard C. Tallo, I investigate alcohol-related accidents in order to hold those involved financially accountable for their negligence.

If you've been seriously injured or have lost a family member to a drunk driver or drunk boat operator, contact Providence, Rhode Island alcohol-related accidents attorney Richard C. Tallo today to schedule a free consultation.

Bars, Restaurants, and Alcohol-Related Accidents

Rhode Island's dram shop law allows victims of drunk drivers to hold bars and restaurants liable for serving alcohol to visibly intoxicated patrons. When investigating these kinds of cases, I recover bar tabs, credit card receipts, and video camera footage if possible to determine how much alcohol a drunk driver was served before he or she caused an accident. My office also interviews eyewitnesses and staff in order to determine if the drunk driver was slurring his or her speech, having difficulty walking, or exhibiting other signs of inebriation.

Boating Accidents, Jet Skis, and Alcohol

Operating a boat or Jet Ski with a blood alcohol content (BAC) in excess of 0.08% is illegal in Rhode Island and constitutes boating while intoxicated. As such, marina restaurants, bars, or social hosts in the case of minors can be held liable for serving visibly intoxicated people who later cause accidents out on the water. In cases where a bar or restaurant is not involved, it may be possible to recover damages from a boat operator or Jet Skier's homeowner's policy. As your attorney, I explore and identify other sources of insurance in order to recover damages for my client.

Holding Drunk Drivers and Drunk Boaters Accountable

Drunk driving accidents often result in serious head trauma, spinal cord injuries, amputations, broken bones, and even fatalities. As a personal injury attorney with over 35 years of experience, I understand how to investigate drunk driving accidents and how to hold drunk drivers financially liable for the injuries and deaths they cause. If you have been injured by a drunk driver, contact Providence, Rhode Island drunk alcohol-related accidents attorney Richard C. Tallo today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

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Richard C. Tallo

The Law Offices of Richard C. Tallo
999 Chalkstone Avenue
Providence, RI 02908

Phone: 401-228-7077
Fax: 401-228-7087
Providence Law Office

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