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Rhode Island Slip & Fall Lawyer

Holding Property Owners Accountable

There are many property-related conditions that can cause people to slip or trip and fall. Surface defects, puddles of water, dangerous steps and other conditions can lead to serious injuries, including broken bones and head injuries.

I'm attorney Richard Tallo, and I help people who have been injured in slip and fall incidents pursue claims against negligent property owners who could have, and should have, taken steps to avoid causing their injuries.

I am recognized throughout Rhode Island for my work in this area and frequently receive case referrals from other lawyers. To discuss how I can help you, contact me today at my offices in Providence. I charge no attorneys fees unless I am successful at helping you recover compensation.

Understanding Rhode Island Premises Liability Law

Under Rhode Island law, property owners have responsibilities toward their guests, whether their properties are open to the public or more restricted. If they are aware of defects that could cause people to fall, they are supposed to repair those defects or warn against them.

Not every slip and fall incident automatically gives rise to a legal claim. It is important to discuss your case with a lawyer who is familiar with Rhode Island premises liability law.

People are generally responsible for watching where they are going and controlling themselves. However, many dangerous conditions are hidden from the casual passerby and/or difficult to avoid. In these cases, it is reasonable to expect property owners to take responsibility for avoiding slip and fall incidents.

In addition, Rhode Island has specific rules with regard to snow removal, maintenance of residential buildings, maintenance of department stores and grocery stores, and related issues.

Making Sure Safety Precautions Are Adequate for All

Some property owners, when maintaining their premises, fail to take people who use walkers, people with poor eyesight, and other elderly and infirm people into account. I am experienced at holding property owners accountable for their failure to provide flat surfaces, good lighting and adequate warnings for people of all different physical conditions.

If you've been injured in a slip and fall or trip and fall incident that you believe was caused by a property owner's negligence, don't hesitate to contact me to discuss your case.

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Richard C. Tallo

The Law Offices of Richard C. Tallo
999 Chalkstone Avenue
Providence, RI 02908

Phone: 401-228-7077
Fax: 401-228-7087
Providence Law Office

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