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Rhode Island Nursing Home Neglect Attorney

Providence Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Nursing homes are regulated by state and federal law. When violations occur that result in the injury or death of a nursing home resident, the nursing home can be held financially liable according to the doctrine of negligence per se. Here, the violation of a regulation in itself constitutes negligence on the part of a nursing home. In cases involving injuries due to medical malpractice on the part of available medical staff, doctors and nurses can be held personally liable as well. At the Law Offices of Richard C. Tallo, I investigate injuries and fatalities due to negligence on the part of nursing homes. I review staffing reports, medical charts, hiring decisions, scheduling, and staffing levels of nursing homes involved in injuring my client or their family member. If necessary, my office notifies the Attorney General's office or the appropriate state agency in order to determine if other complaints have been filed or violations noted during past inspections.

If your family member has been injured due to the negligent care of a nursing home, contact Rhode Island nursing home neglect attorney Richard C. Tallo today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

Signs and Symptoms Associated With Nursing Home Neglect

Nursing homes almost never admit to having abused or neglected a patient. In general, the following are signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect that warrant further investigation and accountability:

  • Bed sores
  • Dehydration
  • Malnutrition
  • Broken bones
  • Ligature marks on wrists or ankles
  • Unexplained bruising
  • Sudden emotional withdrawal
  • Unattended wanderings
  • Soiled bed sheets
  • Missing personal effects

Negligence, Liability, and Nursing Homes

In order to participate in Medicare and Medicaid programs, under the Nursing Home Reform Act (NHRA) included in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, nursing homes must comply with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (42 CFR Part 483). Under the terms of the NHRA, nursing homes are required to provide adequate staffing levels, conduct an accurate assessment of a patient's functional ability, ensure patients receive treatment for visual or auditory impairment, and provide a certain standard of care for them. As a result, nursing homes can be held liable for injuries that result from violations of the NHRA. When investigating nursing home injuries, I expose these kinds of violations through cross-examination and a review of documents that contradict stated testimony.

Contact Rhode Island Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer Richard C. Tallo

It's important to begin an investigation as soon as possible after evidence of abuse or neglect in a nursing home. Evidence has a way of disappearing, and key witnesses may be "let go" or lose their nerve before a case can go to trial. If your loved one has been injured or abused in a nursing home, contact Rhode Island nursing home neglect attorney Richard C. Tallo today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

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Richard C. Tallo

The Law Offices of Richard C. Tallo
999 Chalkstone Avenue
Providence, RI 02908

Phone: 401-228-7077
Fax: 401-228-7087
Providence Law Office

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